Friday, November 09, 2007

Have I Lost It?

I remember the times when most of the ideas I proposed, was accepted by clients. Not to sound arrogant but many of them loved whatever I proposed. Different and sometimes, bold. But they loved it.

This week, I lost 3 projects because they did not like my ideas. "Not grand enough" said one, "We want modern not classic" said another and "The other company is giving us more" said the last.

I missed the punch line...and I wonder, have I lost it?

Monday, August 20, 2007

Wouldn't That Be Nice?

It's Monday and here I am sitting in front of the computer again, facing an email inbox that never seems to quit, endless phone calls, a mountain of paperwork and....the list goes on. Sigh..the weekend came and went a little too fast...

The BF and I spent the day by ourselves yesterday. It was nice to spend some time alone without the company of other friends. I don't mean to sound selfish but its nice to have some time alone sometimes. We had a late lunch as the BF is not much of a morning person. Had the usual Yong Tou Foo in Ampang before heading to 1-Utama. There were a lot of people with a few activities happening all over.

The new Mitsubishi Lancer on display caught my eye and immediately walked over to have a look. Nice car but think I could get something better at that price. Been thinking of changing my car...and I am still thinking. Have never been one to spend a huge portion of the salary for car repayments. I rather spend the money elsewhere, say...a nice Prada bag...hehe.

We managed to get tickets to Rush Hour 3 although it wasn't my first choice of movie. I wanted to watch Ratatouille. But I am not about the walk away from the counter empty handed after being in the queue for 30 minutes. Not much difference from the other Rush Hour movies. Still the same slapstick humour and theatrical stunts. But it was entertaining.

A quick dinner afterwards...some grocery home...shower...and its time for bed. And voila...the weekend is over. Sigh.

If only we could extend the weekend to say...another day? Now...wouldn't that be nice? :-)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Searching & Waiting...

Just came back from a long weekend in Bangkok yesterday. And I have made a mental note of never going on a holiday or trip with a large group of people. It makes it extremely difficult to keep track of everybody and you end up wasting a lot of time searching and waiting.

I knew this problem would arise when we first planned this trip. Initially it was only suppose to be 4 of us which is a comfortable number. But it ended with 15 people going. Well we all decided to do our own thing during the day and probably meet up for dinner and drinks, which is fine with me. But when we got there, that became a theory. Every where we went, people wanted to come along. And that's when the nightmare started. Conversations turned to.."where is he?"..."wait for me ah"..."stop..I wanna see this"..."why walk so fast?..."but I dun want to see this stuff"...arrgghh. Lucky there were only guns on sale and not bullets as well.

It just drove me nuts but kept my cool for the BF's sake. Afterall, I didn't want to offend his friends.

There are more stories but that's for another day. Right now, I wanna catch a nap. Feeling kinda sick now. Must be the terribly hot weather in Bangkok.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Am I Tired?

Currently watching Eureka the TV drama series till wee hours in the morning. No wonder I am tired. It's a good series to watch but then I have always been a fan of sci-fi movies.

Time for a quick shower...and back to the show. Not too late though. The new manager is starting work..hehe.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

An Employee Market?

Why do people apply for jobs and don't turn up for the interview? Its so infuriating as it is a waste of time to read through the resumes and select candidates for an interview and they don't turn up! And no calls to inform you or apologise! Arrgghh...

Nowadays, applying for a job is so convenient. Just prepare one resume and click away. And I happen to think, that is why people apply for jobs and don't turn up for interviews. I would bet some of them don't even know or remember what jobs they applied for. Arrghh...

An employee market? Just you wait, the tides will turn.....

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Here or There?

Woke up this morning to the smell of cigarette smoke, which means my cousin has arrived from Tokyo. She will be here for 4 days before going back to Australia. Quite a lot of my relatives have chosen to make Australia their home. And they have often asked when I would join them. Even my parents have asked.

Once in a while I do think about it. But I feel that time is has not arrived. Not now anyway.

I do like Australia, afterall I did spend 7 years there for school and uni. And even now, when I think of taking a holiday, my first thoughts are always Australia. Maybe its the cool weather..or the fresh strawberries..or maybe its everything. I have always felt very at home there.

But moving there would mean starting over again. And that thought is the very thing that has prevented me from walking down that path. Everything in KL is so familiar to me. The highly addictive aroma of cheese naan from Murni's..the DVD stall in SS2..the same route I take to the BF's house everyday. These surroundings are a second nature to me now. Things which I know and can do with an eye closed. Not that I recommend it while driving.. :-)

And there is the BF. Will he pack up and move with me? Yes, he says but asking him to give up his career when its just starting to move...or leaving his family and friends behind? It just seems a bit unfair. Furthermore we haven't been together for very long.

So..for now, let's put the thought back into the box. And get ready for lunch with the BF.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Will I Be Around?

"15 years??....seriously?" I asked.

We were having coffee and cakes yesterday afternoon at Suchan's. Both L and R are friends of the BF and I have only known them for about 6 months. Many topics were brought up during our afternoon of catching up and the topic of how long the BF and I have been together was brought up.

Well, we celebrated our 1st anniversary in June. Hard to imagine we have been together for a year already. It was certainly a roller coaster ride but its something I will not trade, for anything in the world. Over the year, we have learnt to bear with each other's habits and how to manoeuvre around each other. This relationship has certainly brought me a lot of joy and I hope I have given a lot of joy to the BF too.

And then I asked L and R how long they have been together. "15 years??...seriously?" was my response. They are the first couple I met whom have been together for so long. Prior to this, the longest I know is 8 years. I am very happy for them and this milestone. It just goes to show that a gay relationship is very sustainable. Its only a matter of whether both parties want it.

Anyway, to all whom have celebrated your anniversary or going to celebrate your anniversary, may the BF and I wish you a Happy Anniversary and may you and your BF have many many more anniversaries to come... :-)

15 years?....wonder will I be around?